Guest Book
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"I am heartbroken to hear of the passing of my beloved violin professor, Mark Zinger. I graduated from DePaul in 1991 and have kept in touch with him since then. All of my students know about him and about his violinistic heritage. He called us his "children." Mr. Zinger is SO loved and will NEVER be forgotten. I'm currently teaching violin at a college in southeastern Illinois and will try my best to pass all that he taught."
"Mark's passing made a huge void in my life. I have known him since my days at the conservatory in Odessa where he was not only famous for his teaching and playing but as a creator of famous conservatory satirical reviews known as Kapustniks. Later I came to know him as a musician much closer when I had joined The Odessa Piano Trio. I will never forget our rehearsals and tours all around the Country. He was such a joy to be around, with his unmatched sense of humor and wit that was even outstanding in Odessa where humor was part of one's gene. I learned so much from his unparalleled knowledge of music of which he had an absolute taste. Our friendship and my great affection for him continued in this country. I had no doubt that he we'll succeed. Although he was 55 when he immigrated, the age not exactly the best to start from zero, he did it, and did it with distinction. How proud was I of my friend! It is painful to believe that we will no longer have our rare meetings and long phone conversations. An enormous part of my life has ended. With all my love, Savely (Sevchik) Schuster"
"Every day when I pick up my violin, I will always hear Mark Borisovich's words, '' Don't knock your fingers too hard on the fingerboard" or "Connect your notes better" or "Don't wait 5 minutes to shift!" During my lessons, he would also say, "Tatiana sing!'' so we would then sing Ukrainian folk songs which I then played on the violin. Once he said, "You have to play like you're singing from your heart," while placing his hand over his. Mark Borisovich had a big wonderful heart. And in his heart was enormous love for his family, country and students! Thank you my dear Mark Borisovich for every violin lesson that you gave me. My heart is crying so much but will keep the unforgettable memories forever. Rest in peace, Your Tatiana and student for 20 years"
"Все , кто знал Марка Борисовича Зингера глубоко скорбят об его кончине ,-ведь с его уходом из жизни закончилась славная страница в отечественной культурологической истории известная как "Одесская скрипичная школа " . Его преподавательская деятельность разделилась на два периода .- Одесский и Американский и надо признать оба достаточно успешных , что почти не имеет прецедентов. Только те , кто прошел жуткий период адаптации к незнакомой и зачастую враждебной среде , способны оценить умение Марка Борисовича приспособиться к новым непривычным условиям работы и повернуть их в свою пользу! Будучи выдающимся знатоком классической музыки , а также имея громадный опыт и понимание скрипичного исполнительства Марк Борисович создал свой неповторимый стиль преподавания , который блестяще оправдал себя как в Одессе так и в Чикаго ! Отступив от ложных постулатов " социалистического " метода обучения . когда перед студентом воздвигают " горы трудностей " которые необходимо преодолеть и на этом преодолении препятствий и себя лично , достичь новых профессиональных высот Марк Борисович , умеющий трезво оценить ситуацию , находил альтернативные пути , торпинки, по которым можно было достичь мастерства без " сломанных ног и падений в пропасть " ! Понимая , что гениальные студенты- скрипачи попадаются не чаще , чем брильянты на пляже Ланжерон , Марк Борисович создал такую систему воспитания и образования студентов , при которой все без исключения получали солидную профессиональную подгоровку , позволяющую им успешно работать в оркестрах любого уровня при сохранении нормальной психики и устойчивого эмоционального состояния. Эта же стратегия позволила ему успешно преподавать в Новом Свете , где его методика нашла многочисленных сторонников и последователей . Отсутствие таких людей, как мистер М Б Зингер в Одессе ощущается до сих пор в виде вакуума в области преподавания скрипки и падению общего исполнительского уровня . Остается только глубоко сожалеть о том, что трдиции сприпичного искусства от Пермана, Столярского, Лемберского, Зингера прервались окончательно и безвозвратно."
"Please accept my deepest sympathy, I am sorry to read of the passing of your love one, who will be missed. Losing a love one in death is never easy. It's in times like these when the loving promises of our Heavenly Father can bring comfort. Knowing you will see your dear loved one again, can bring you comfort and may soften some of the pain that you are feeling deep within your heart, 1Thessalonians 4:13-14."
"Mark Zinger was on of the finest men I have ever know. His legacy will live on in the hearts and music of those to whom he gave so much."
"Mark Zinger was one of the finest people I've ever known. He was the consummate teacher, musician, and friend. Mark transformed the lives of countless of students at DePaul, and I will always grateful for his kindness to me. Through his example and his wise words, I learned so much about music, leadership, teaching, and family, and I will always carry the lessons he has taught me throughout my life. With Mark's passing, the world lost a great one, and I lost a dear colleague and friend. I will be thinking of his family throughout this difficult time."
"I am so very saddened by Mr. Zinger's passing and also that I cannot be in attendance at his funeral this afternoon. I will be with you in spirit as I teach private lessons all afternoon and evening... honoring Mr. Zinger by continuing to pass on the wonderful gifts he shared with me during our time together at DePaul (1988-1993). A few of my favorite stories/memories with Mr. Zinger: - My freshman year "bootcamp" - scales, double stops, etc. - Boy, did I dislike it at that time, but Mr. Zinger brought my playing level WAY up and I'm forever grateful! (I don't think I would have been nearly as prepared for my professional career without Mr. Zinger's "bootcamp!") - Violin choir... playing the beautiful harmonies/arrangements of "Peter and the Wolf" and many other pieces. Also, performing Paganini's entire "Moto Perpetuo" as the encore at the annual Symphony Orchestra concert in Orchestra Hall. (Mr. Zinger was so pleased with our accomplishment, both individually and collectively!) - My senior recital. Breaking a string during the second movement of the Saint-Saens. I was so frazzled I could barely hold it together... Mr. Zinger met me in the classroom next to the recital hall and calmed me down while changing my string for me. I don't think I could have finished my recital without him being there for me. - Mr. Zinger's incredible patience and support ... even when I told him I wanted to play "Violin Phase" by Steve Reich on my senior recital! (He let me be me!!) Thank you Mr. Zinger for everything! (I am indebited to you as you gave me so much!!) My love and prayers to Mr. Zinger's family and friends... Tom Vos"